Part II
How traditional Japanese Reiki is understood through the lens of Japanese culture and tradition. Including:
a few helpful suggestions on using Reiki in everyday life and to assist people suffering from health issues come from decades of treatment practise by Japanese women
wisdom about living and teaching Reiki from Chiyoko Yamaguchi's 60 years of practice
insight gained from looking at the meaning behind certain Japanese kanji and what we can learn about Reiki from them
what do the Gokai mean in everyday life?

"Because once you’ve received Reiju you don’t need to do anything more to connect strongly with Reiki, there are no rituals to go through or symbols to use before you start, you simply put your hands on where the problem is. This means if your child injures themselves, you can help immediately, if you pull a muscle, cut yourself while cooking, burn yourself on the oven or get a stomach ache, you can put your hands on and find relief."
from chapter on Basic principles of working with Reiki energy
"One way to begin to comprehend this is through looking at kanji characters. Some of the older characters contain within them a deep understanding of who we are as beings and our relationship with our surroundings and beyond. They not only point to meaning, but contain wisdom around how to look at the world."
from chapter on Kanji wisdom
"Reiki for the early Japanese women in this book had no hierarchy. Chiyoko Yamaguchi often explained that there was no difference between her and a beginner in terms of the Reiki. She’d grown up without hierarchy. It was not about who had taken which course and who had got there more quickly."
from chapter on The spirit of Reiki
Traditional Japanese culture is based on the depth inherent in simplicity.
Within that simplicity there is space, room to breathe in life. To allow.....when the mind wants to add more to things, it’s a sign that it’s time to stop and go deeper instead.
from chapter on The spirit of Reiki
Review of "Women in Reiki" by Melina Tobisch,
published in the German Reiki magazine, edition 02/22
"The basic message conveyed here is clear: a Reiki practitioner should never hesitate to use the Reiki healing method. The authors give advice on what to pay attention to, for example, in the case of minor injuries. They also pass on knowledge that they received from their Reiki teacher Chiyoko Yamaguchi. There are general descriptions of applications for severe illnesses, self-application, group sessions, distance Reiki and Reiki for psychological problems. The information that the authors give about the power of Reiki, the healing method and their practice are valuable and useful for every Reiki practitioner.
The mindful handling of Reiki and above all with oneself and the receiver are at the forefront of the explanations given by Silke Kleemann and Amanda Jayne."