Women in Reiki
"This book is absolutely incredible - received mine last week the content is amazing - so well worth the money - I’m so grateful." Kathryne Greaney
Where to buy
On this page you'll find links to sites where you can order Women in Reiki.
We recommend shopping around in your country online stores as the prices seem to vary day to day at the moment which unfortunately we have no control over.
Some links are worldwide and others by country.
If you live outside Europe or own a bookshop outside Europe and would like to order larger quantities of Women in Reiki to sell them yourself, please contact us for more information.
"This book is not only a helpful manual but also a reference work which will be of huge value to anybody practising Reiki privately for themselves or in a professional capacity. It’s worth every penny and will be a much treasured item on my own bookshelves." Eliantolla
For UK customers only - you can buy via us here at £22 including p&p
Check other online options first to find the cheapest price.
Online options:
Hive supports independent bookshops - Link here
Waterstones - Link here
Europe and UK
Unless there are special offers on, the most cost effective way to buy the book in Europe is via the publisher who is selling at our original price of €21.99 (around £18/19).
...the website is in German only. For non-German speakers who are willing to take the few extra minutes to register, we have made a page of screenshots indicating which buttons to press and translating anything that needs you to input information. It's quite easy to guess but you may need help with where to fill in your details. If you would prefer not to go through this process, and are willing to spend a little more, we recommend hive or book depository (links below).
For those who can speak German (the book is still in English but the website is in German) as we said above, the best place to order is directly from the publisher BoD. They ship within Europe (including UK).
You can also find the book in all big German online bookshops (Thalia, Hugendubel, Genialokal etc.) and can order it directly from your local bookshop as well. The quickest way for now is to order at BoD directly.
Book Depository ship from the UK worldwide. You can buy it here.
USA & Canada
Check online bookstores in your country.
The list price in the USA is currently higher than Europe. We are sorry that we cannot do anything about this at the moment. We are doing our best to work something out. If you are in the USA/Canada and would like to become a reseller, please let us know.
At the moment the best option in Japan is via Amazon.jp
If you like our book, please consider writing a review in any online store, and spread the word! Thanks for your support!
If it says
you can still order.
It's because it's print on demand.